Local 1106 C.R.E.W. Coat Drive a huge success
Local 1106 began a coat drive in January to provide for men, women, and children in shelters in need. The response was overwhelming as we were able to drop off over 10 bags of coats and jackets to the Saratoga Family Inn on Rockaway Blvd in Jamaica Queens on March 5th. The staff there, led by Coordinator Beverly Walker, was very humbled and appreciative of the outpouring of support our members demonstrated. They are extremely thankful to all who participated. The Local 1106 C.R.E.W. did an outstanding job of mobilizing our members around this effort, and the membership responded as we always do, without hesitation. Excellent work by 1106 only bigger and better things to come.
NettWorth Financial Webinar
CWA Local 1106 Annual Breast Cancer Walk
Verizon Open Enrollment period to begin October 8th
Verizon Open Enrollment period to begin October 8th
Verizon Open Enrollment period to begin October 8th